Brainstorm History

How it all once began

We're not gonna go through all the details here, but there are a couple of things that are worth pointing out. So please join us on a little trip down memory lane

Brainstorm was founded in 1989 which also became the year where the first issue of our immensely popular diskmag "Zine" came out, which grew to proportions we would absolutely have never imagined. You would not believe how many letters fit into a P.O.Box per day. It was absolutely insane - yet incredible fun at the same time. It was an interesting phenomenon to witness how the popularity of "Zine" catapulted Brainstorm's members into the league labelled "famous". At demoparties, no one would mess with anyone from the group simply because everyone had so much respect of the magazine. It has to be admitted that this is a nice feeling, to see that hard work got its recognition.

Musicland 1Musicland 2Blitter MiracleMegademo

Brainstorm was never much of a demogroup after "Zine" launched. There were a couple of nice demos though, such as the "Megademo" which was released at the Red Sector, Alpha Flight and Spectral Party in 1990 (I think it was held in Cologne? Not sure though). Other demos that got some respect were "Technological Threat", "Metamorphosis", "Solid Communication" and most of all "Blitter Miracle" which was released in 1991. The last issue of "Zine" hit in 1991 and was programmed by Chaos (formerly of Sanity, now Farbrausch) and it was a milestone with a caching loader-system for the articles and all that jazz. "Zine" ended with a bang. Unfortunately, a few old Brainstorm members then gave arrogant interviews and generally pulled the group into the mud which made it difficult for the rest of us to continue.

Nevertheless, the musicdisks "Musicland 1" and "Musicland 2" followed with a slightly different attitude. Fun became the most central point. "Musicland 3" unfortunately was never finished. Some time in 1994, it all fell apart and the group became inactive.

And so I, Axel, the sole and totally accidental survivor of the Amiga aftermath, stumbled across the demoscene Radio Nectarine many years later where I made many new friends. Nectarine brought back a lot of memories and it was hilarious to share anecdotes with the folks there. One day, heck I don't know when, the idea came up to form Brainstorm anew, even though with totally different members. Musicians Prime (internally known as Mr.Fart) , Mystra, Serpent (internally known as Mr.Crap) and DJ Joge all were in different groups during the Amiga days. Except poor Serpent, who was almost a lamer. Prime was a member of Razor 1911, Mystra was in Symbiosis (organized the Rendez-Vous Party in Norway in 1993) and DJ Joge was in Chrome (remember the "Digital Disco" musicdisks?). Col, Dexxo, Steel and Dax Dexter also joined for sheer entertainment.

ZineZine 1Zine 11Zine 9

So we resurrected Brainstorm from the ashes and don't really know what to do now. J But hey, we're here for the fun and for the friendship that developed over the months and years on Nectarine. And you know, there's quite a realistic chance that we'll release something one day.

Big respect to Yes of Nectarine and all the other fellas such as Doh of Dreamdealers, Sir Garbagetruck, Phaser, Arab, Genetic Gemini, KB, Keops, Entropia and Nosferatu (plus all the admins we forgot) for doing such a great job at Nectarine. Keep up the great work. May the oneliner live forever. o/

By the way, in case you still remember us from somewhere (and even if you don't!), we'd like to hear from you! Please drop us a line in the guestbook and get in touch, for oldschool's sake! ;-)

©2025 Brainstorm Productions